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What are Stars, and how do I get them?
What are Stars, and how do I get them?

Unlock the full potential of Everskies with Stars! Here's how to earn them.

Anthony avatar
Written by Anthony
Updated over a week ago


they're not just celestial bodies but also your key to unlocking the best of Everskies! Whether you're eyeing exclusive features or covetable items, Stars are your go-to currency. Here's how you can gather a constellation of Stars for your account:

  • Star Shop: Head straight to the source and purchase Stars to boost your balance instantly.

  • Engage and Earn: Dive into offers, enjoy advertisements, and get Stars as your reward.

  • Competitive Spirit: Join competitions for a chance to win Starry prizes.

  • Level Up: As you climb the ranks, you'll be greeted with Stars at certain milestones.

  • Galactic Hunt: Embark on quests and collect Stars along the way.

  • Trade Wisely: Engage in trading with fellow users for a profitable exchange of goods and Stars.

  • Creative Contributions: Create content for Magazines or indulge in Item Creation to earn Stars as a payout.

With so many paths to prosperity, the universe of Everskies awaits your exploration. Ready to earn your Stars and make your mark?

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